Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Visiting Aenon healthcare for 1 month

After completion of Internship in CMC, I wrote to Dr Lee, the doctor in charged in Aenon Health Farm at Tampin, and he is kind to allow me to stay in Aenon for 1 month to learn, interact and observe.

I must say my 1 month stay is rewarding and mind blowing.

1) Aenon was divided into 3 sections:
  • The School - where they train post SPM student who are interested in becoming a Medical Missionary/Audio Visual Ministry. The school is accredited by Taiwan Adventist College in which it is possible to transfer your credit to TAC after completion of 2 years course in Aenon should you want to obtain a degree in TAC. The other college which accredited Aenon is Hartland College in USA.
  • The Media section known as the Loud Voice Media. They do graphic design, video shooting and editing, script writing, composing and arranging music, studio recording. They have fully equiped studios, cutting edge equiptment and software. The work they do can blow your mind away!
  • Finally, the health centre where sick patients comes for treatment and recuperation. 
  • One more thing, there is this backyard organic farm plantation where they plants organically grown herbs, vegetables, and fruits: all staffed by Aenon students and staff from the previously mention 3 sections.

2) My reason of visiting Aenon is I am fascinated by Lifestyle Medicine which made famous by Dean Ornish, Colin Campbell, Hans Diehl and of course by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. here and here. The old thinking is that if you live healthy, you can prevent disease. Hence it is known as the Preventive Medicine. Now, however, many realized that living a healthy lifestyle not only can prevent but can bring healing and reverse disease. Aenon is one center in Malaysia which specialized in Lifestyle Medicine. It is a non for profit organization and it is a Christian organization.

3) Patients normally comes with multiple co morbid illness like diabetes, hypertension, obesity. Dr Lee will access and examine them, and a based line blood test was done.

4) Patients will be subjected with strict healthy regime like exercise, vegetarian healthy diet, juicing, fasting, relaxation and devotional program, health talk, educational seminar, cooking class, Q&A, counseling, group support, singing and other leisure activities. They also will undergo physiotherapy treatment, hydrotherapy, infrared and fever bath.

5) Unlike many of the conventional medical center, where treatment is mainly on the physical aspect; Aenon focus also on the Social, Spiritual, Emotional and Mental dimension. Which means Aenon is more holistic in its treatment.

6) The Aenon health center archive on their patients medical records and progresses. I went through the records and I saw, cholesterol comes down, blood sugar under control, BMI comes down, blood pressure comes down,  patient off medication. It was amazing.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Multiple Choice Question: How to be an evil examiner?

How to be an evil examiner:

You must set your MCQ question this manner:

MCQ answer options :

A)Obviously wrong answer at first glance, but it is actually the correct answer.
B)Obviously right answer but it is actually the wrong answer.
C)99% about the information in this answer is right but 1% wrong
D)This is the right answer, but when compared to option A, option A is the better correct answer.
E)Controversy answer, if you read widely, some authorities said this is the correct answer, however general consensus disagree. So, wrong answer.

Sometimes, knowledgeable students perform poorly in an Examination, you wonder why.

Fact: Your answer is based on your personality, not knowledge.

Reason why you choose these answers on the previous MCQ question:

A) You are a Perfectionist. You might get this answer right, but you failed your exam because you spent too much time on one question and run out of time to complete your paper. Your work appraisal is poor. Your boss don't like your because you unable to meet your dateline, and your subordinates hated you because you always pick on their mistakes.

B) You are a Go-Getter. You hate spending plenty of time on one small decisions. You follow your instincts instead of hard facts. You generally succeed but, you made plenty of mistakes in the past but you just don't care.

C) You are a Big-Picture person. You make generalization and you tend to be stereotypical. Small details doesn't matter to you. You tend to sum up every information learnt. You learnt your concepts well but you hate memorizing facts.

D) You are a Diplo. People love you because you always agree with them. You are liberal and open minded. In your eyes, everything is relatively right. You however,often fail to make a stand and stick to your own opinion.

E) You are a Left Wing person. You often support the underdogs, vote for opposition and believer of every conspiracy theory. When you hear an opinion, you will google for the counter argument to that opinion.

The lesson is, my friend, stop studying and LEARN YOUR QUESTION BANK!

This post is dedicated to those who write exam and those who are preparing for an exam! Do well!
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